Gringo Lessons: Twenty Years of Terror in Taos


6" x 9" soft cover
by Bill Whaley
Nora Anthony, Illustrator
Kelly Pasholk, designer


Gringo Lessons: Twenty Years of Terror in Taos, by Bill Whaley, is a tale of modern adventure about a young man, who experienced the local culture from 1966 to 1987. There he met the community: skiers, La Gente, los vatos locos, Chicano activists and their Spanish contemporaries, the artists, drug dealers, fellow soldiers, tempting sirens, the occasional movie star, and a host of con artists. Though they burned him out and tried to break his will, he says he was just trying to get it right. 

Kelly Pasholk also designed:

  • Press releases

  • Postcards

  • Business cards

  • Liaison with printer