
Creatives often hit a wall before the finish line. The last miles of the journey seem the hardest — starts and stops, rewrites, delays, technical intimidation, frustration, subconscious blocks.

Creatives need time to do their work — precious, protected, sacred time away from the distractions of everyday life. We need space to ride the current of creativity.

The Muse may be your primary flight companion for the beginning of your journey, yet once the idea has sprung, there’s value in adding someone to guide you through completion. That’s where I come in.


Inspired Writer Retreat

Treat yourself to uninterrupted creative time with a private writer’s retreat orchestrated to best support you — from living space and delicious food to focusing techniques and energy work. Collaborate with an award-winning designer on the initial design of your book, because seeing what the finished book will look like is a great motivator.

Virtual or in-person retreats are available. Stay safe, get creative.

Your Book Designed

Turn your dream into a tangible object of desire.

Creative Motivation

Together we identify and eliminate creative roadblocks and orchestrate the path to your creative flow.

Marketing Materials

Launching your work out to the world requires marketing materials. From business cards and press releases to websites, I’ve got you covered.

Services orbit the finished book.